SouthernK9TrainingApr 29, 20192 minReinforcement not bribery"On a TV it was so easy...",we hear it so often when dog owners struggle with training even simple obedience... Why? If a dog performs a...
SouthernK9TrainingJan 73 min Pawsitive Education: How Dogs at Schools Are Changing the Learning GameIn current day and age where education is seen as a high-stakes and fast-paced environment, it is crucial to find methods to care for...
SouthernK9TrainingOct 13, 20232 minThe Role of Emotional Support Animals in SchoolsIn recent years, the role of emotional support animals in schools has gained significant attention. These animals, particularly dogs,...
SouthernK9TrainingJan 6, 20202 minFIREWORKS OMG!Hi, I want to talk today about sensitive in this time of year subject-FIREWORKS. YES,they might be scary but we can help our dogs even if...